Mike's Oud Forums

Confusing Maqams....

raissi - 10-17-2007 at 01:57 AM

Hello everyone,

I just started playing oud 2 months ago, I am currently trying to read some partitions found on the forum, but it is a little bit confusing: for example, for the rast maqam, I read on maqamworld that it goes like : C,D,E-qbemol,F,G,A,B-qbemol,C. However, on almost all the partitions I got you don't get the E-qbemol neither the B-qbemol, the same goes for Bayati maqam and partitions (only B-bemol is marked in the partitions nothing about the D-qbemol)
I attached Tel'et ya mahla norhe partition which "should" be Rast and no sign of E-Qbemol....
Am I missing something ????

dubai244 - 10-17-2007 at 02:47 AM

Hi Raissi,

Yes you are missing something, that "Tel'et ya mahla norhe ...." is NOT Rast. It is from Maqam Ajam. That's why you got wrong reading from the notes.

If you have any question let me know ....


raissi - 10-17-2007 at 02:54 AM

Ok, but Ajam is E-bemol right ? So why it is not mentionned in the partition ? error or is it still me missing something ?

SamirCanada - 10-17-2007 at 06:52 AM

Ajam Usharyan has an Mi-bemol and starts on Si-Bemole

Ajam ''3adi'' not sure if that is the correct term....
it starts on ''Do'' C and its basicaly the major scale of the western music theory.
Do re mi fa sol la si do

dubai244 - 10-17-2007 at 08:07 AM

Hi Raissi,

It is error from the web site i think. I tried to read Maqam Sekah and i heared the sound samples there and it wasn't 100% right ....., so dont depend on it completely.

Could you please help me with some thing.... I know little bit how to read the notes as " Do Re Mi .....etc" but i dont know how translated to "A B C .....etc"

So as understood:
Do = C
Re = D
Mi = E
Fa = F
Sol = G
La = H
Si = I
Do = C again?
Is that correct ?!

SamirCanada - 10-17-2007 at 08:11 AM

What is I and H ?

Do = C
Re = D
Mi = E
Fa = F
Sol = G
La = A
Si = B
Do= again C

here you go buddy.

raissi - 10-17-2007 at 08:19 AM

There is no H and I, La stands for A and B for Si :D
So I guess the maqamworld does not have the Ajam 3adi, ma3lech...

SamirCanada - 10-17-2007 at 09:02 AM

this is how it looks about on the oud.

dubai244 - 10-17-2007 at 11:42 AM

present for you guys

