Mike's Oud Forums

fast warm-up

billkilpatrick - 8-1-2008 at 04:56 AM

here's a quick way to warm-up your oud:


oudmaker - 8-16-2008 at 06:46 PM

Don't even try it !!

billkilpatrick - 8-16-2008 at 09:18 PM

dincer -

if a man of your talent and expertise says not to do this then i must ask - most respectfully, sir - why?

previously, when i sang into my oud in order to warm it up, i created sympathetic vibrations similar to those made with the vibrator - not as loud, of course but i have a good strong voice and the principle is the same, is it not?

this is not to challenge you, dincer or in anyway to show you disrespect - simply a request for more information.

sincerely - bill

patheslip - 8-17-2008 at 06:49 AM

When I first got my oud (not played for years) I placed it against a big PA speaker and turned up the volume. Probably safer than using that very strange object and very effective. Neighbours moved out too.:cool:

oudmaker - 8-17-2008 at 04:38 PM

Patheslip has a better idea. I am sure you can figure out why.

Christian1095 - 8-18-2008 at 10:28 AM

Is it because putting that much shaking against the soundboard could potentially shake bracing and stuff loose inside?

Also, wouldn't you get just as good a result by playing you oud for a few hours instead of putting it in front of a speaker... ;) I've heard that the whole sympathetic vibrations thing makes a difference... But could you send the instrument the wrong vibrations....

billkilpatrick - 8-18-2008 at 11:23 AM

i was hoping for more informed opinion, dincer - an admonitory "tut-tut" without it isn't very helpful to others under the circumstances and a little off-hand with me.

in the absence of more detail, however, i inserted a couple of common sense reminders into the video. hopefully, these will address your concerns.

patheslip - 8-18-2008 at 01:01 PM

Christian1095, I do play it as well. It's just that there are other things that need doing from time to time and the oud needed a lot of working up.

Christian1095 - 8-19-2008 at 06:33 AM

Pathslip, sorry if that came across poorly... it was meant as just a little jest... I wasn't trying to be a tool... :(

My apologies