Mike's Oud Forums

Who is the composer of the famous nihavend longa

mourad_X - 9-16-2008 at 02:35 PM


does anybody know how is the composer of the nihavend longa
and how old this well known piece of music is


Greg - 9-16-2008 at 07:19 PM

Was it Kemanî Kevser Hanim?

Marina - 9-17-2008 at 01:07 AM

I got this information:
Tanburi Cemil Bey
But alo the Kevser Hanim's name I saw in some exhamples. Realy, who is this?

Brian Prunka - 9-17-2008 at 08:08 AM

The authorship of this piece is widely disputed, it seems. I've heard a number of different composers suggested as authors.

Oud.Proff - 11-20-2008 at 07:41 AM

Originally posted by Greg
Was it Kemanî Kevser Hanim?

I also believe it IS Kemani Kevser Hanım (1887-1963). If I'm not mistaken, the word Hanim in Turkey relates to a lady....so was the composer a Turkish lady?

Anyways, have a look at this wonderful video clip playing that amazing longa: