Mike's Oud Forums

Sukkar Oud Cases - Tip

freya - 10-15-2008 at 04:04 PM

I've been meaning to post a tip for a while but haven't gotten around to it. Probably other folks have figured this out as well.

Having just received an oud shipped in a Sukkar hard case with a cracked neck and a broken-off peghead, I got motivated...

The Sukkar cases are nice for what they are - hard and relatively inexpensive. Their major flaw (and one many of other sorts of oud cases have) is the the top of the peghead sits right on the bottom of the case in the peghead area. Any shock which is inline with the peghead in the "bad' direction is transferred directly to the peghead through very minimal padding. One good hit in the right direction is almost the same as dropping the oud right on the end of its peghead.

The simple thing I recommend is to place a piece of open cell foam ("egg crate" foam works well for me) under the neck in the case. This keeps the peghead well off the bottom of the case and also keeps the oud from sliding around in the case. In the event that the case is dropped in line with the peghead, even if the foam compresses, the shock to the peghead will be greatly attenuated.


Christian1095 - 10-17-2008 at 12:31 PM

Thanks... that seems like a really good suggestion...

It's a shame that there isn't a better hard case alternative out there.... I've only heard good things about Jameel's soft case, but I would LOVE to have a high quality alternative for hard cases as well... The Sukar case just doen't do it for me... The red velvet feels cheap... and I've had the handle snap off of one of my cases... Not through mistreatment, just cheap plastic....

suz_i_dil - 10-17-2008 at 12:40 PM

Try to ask other oud makers and see, many of them sell their oud with high quality hard case. Maybe they can make one specially if it doesn't fit your oud.
For exemple Mr Faruk Turunz hard case are really good, maybe you can ask him.

Samer - 10-17-2008 at 02:37 PM

Sukkar is making real high quality cases " according to him " , a lot more fancier.
I told him that many of you are not very happy with his cases , he thinks the quality is not great either so he will change the factory that he is dealing with now !
I have not seen it in person but I should soon, I will post a picture as soon as I get one.

Take care,

francis - 10-17-2008 at 05:14 PM


Now that you have sold a lot of " quality hard cases", you agree with the fact they are not good.....
Will you give an help to the guys who order from you, or will you propose to sell another one at full price..........?
May be I know the answer.....but I prefer that you write it by yourself.
( By the way, I'm still waiting for materials from you.......for a few monthes).

As you say: take care!

Samer - 10-18-2008 at 01:57 AM

i think they are decent for the price, nothing fancy but at least not bulky as most cases and would protect ouds from damages , I also think they used to be better when he started making them.

the price of new cases will be higher but better quality too, Again I have not seen them but thats what Sukkar told me.

I will give a free case to everyone, is that what you wanted to hear ? lol.

How much profit do u think I make per case when it sells for $80 !!

I Have always had return policy so I dont think anyone can complain here.

You should see your Materials with a small gift in the mail very soon, Sukkar finaly sent them.

Please let me know when you get them.

As I say, take care !!

francis - 10-18-2008 at 03:45 AM

Thanks for your answer, Samer.

I send you an email, to explain why I'm not "against you".
I wish you have a fine business with musical instruments and accessories....nothing more and nothing less, for you and for your buyers.
I tell you when I get the materials.


Butrous - 10-20-2008 at 08:39 AM


The point that Harry is making is that the Sukkar case has a design flaw. It has nothing to do with the quality of the materials or making the case "fancier" as you say.

Please direct Ibrahim to Harry's comments.


Samer - 10-24-2008 at 08:02 AM


I did advice sukkar that the design has a problem and it needs to be changed. He is working on making an new design.

Thanks for the advice.

MatthewW - 10-25-2008 at 07:42 AM

I bought one of these sukar hard cases from Palmyrami last year and later sold it, I wasn't happy with the overall quality of the design and workmanship at all. Other members of the forum have expressed similiar sentiments on these sukar cases, and if you do a search there is a thread on it somewhere. What you suggest about egg crate under the neck may be useful, but I found the hardware to be on the cheap side, not machined well and even some screws protruding out which is not very helpful when it comes to protecting an oud. I found that you also need to be very careful about placing your oud into this case and taking it out, there is not much room to manouver the oud around, and the inner fabric material was really low budget. The actual shell is tough though, and if the makers of these cases could iron out some of the flaws and get it together then perhaps it could be a nice case. If you spend good money on a good oud, then get yourself a good case. Makers like Faruk Turunz, Nazih Ghadban and Dimitris Rapakousios offer better quality cases to name a few sources. I also have one of Jameels 'gig bags', which is worth every penny and will protect your oud much better than the sukar case and it looks sexy too ;). my two cents worth.