Mike's Oud Forums

Oud amplification through computer

wsb3383 - 1-30-2009 at 05:36 PM

Hi, all.

Is there a simple do-it-yourself approach to constructing a Oud amplifier through your computer? I have a MacBook and another PC laptop, but I'm pretty much ignorant on all audio software out there :) So, my question is, with some speakers and some type of microphone, is there a software I can use to amplify Oud sound and do stuff like reverb and echo?


Tom Moran - 1-31-2009 at 07:09 AM

You could use a mic w/a USB jack, like the SnoBall. Then run the MacBook into some powered speakers or your stereo via the headphone jack. On your Mac, you probably have Garageband, which has a large variety of effects and is very user intuitive. (Garageband can also employ the Mac's built in mic. I personally like to use that if I'm just documenting for self-criticism.)

You could also put a pick-up on the oud, which has been discussed in a recent thread on the forum, but in addition, you'll need a pre-amp.
I just got one of Pick-Up The World's oud model, but haven't tried it out yet. I use their stuff on my resonator guitars and banjos and they work well with a good pre-amp such as the Baggs Para-DI. The recently discussed Shadows look darn good, though.