Mike's Oud Forums

Travel Oud

MatthewW - 2-13-2009 at 02:17 PM

Hello all- while answering a post by new member Jaafar on finger exercises one could do while travelling without an oud, I came upon the idea of a 'Travel Oud; something that is very compact, that could fit into a suitase, and so be taken along on trips when a full size oud was not practical to take. You could practise on it wherever you went. There are compact 'Travel guitars', so why not a Travel Oud? I am not aware of anything out there that fits this description, but if there is let us know.

I would probably buy one if a good design was made available. :)
you can see more at the original thread:


regards, MW

Danielo - 2-13-2009 at 02:23 PM

Hi Matthew,

I found this on Theodorakis' page.

Is this what your are looking for?


MatthewW - 2-13-2009 at 02:26 PM

Hi Dan, this seems to fit the description! Surprised I haven't seen it before on Tasos' site. I'll contact him about the specs etc; maybe this travel oud can be useful to Jaafar as well. Cheers, Matthew:)

suz_i_dil - 2-13-2009 at 03:16 PM

I saw ouds for children, from two different makers, and being used as soprano instruments by players.
I guess many makers may build you such an oud.

joklany - 2-14-2009 at 12:40 AM

This looks interesting indeed and may well be what I am looking for.
Many Thanks Dan and Matthew for the suggestions.


joklany - 2-15-2009 at 07:43 AM

Hello all,
I just received the following response from Tasos regarding the practice oud.

"The practice oud cost 400 euros, but is little bit small size(string length:39cm).

The practice oud with normal size Turkish or Arabian string length cost 600 euros,

(string length 58.5 cm with turkish tuning, and 60 cm with arabian tuning with long fingerboard)

The electric oud is normal size Turkish or Arabian string length

and the electronics are Fishman classic 4,equalizer with 4 bands,

and battery 9 volt that is build into the body.

Including ebony long fingerboard.
The electric oud cost 1000 euros including shipping and insurance."

As for me, I am going to find a cheaper option as it is too expensive for me.


MatthewW - 2-22-2009 at 08:28 AM

hello Jaffar- have you had any luck finding a less expensive travel oud? Tasos' travel ouds are very nice, as are all his instruments, but I think they can be made for less than 400 euros especially if the construction is kept very simple. I do like how Tasos uses the mechanical tuners on the side of his travel oud to make it more compact. All one needs is something to keep the fingers in practice on an short scale oud fingerboard with strings, attached to a small body. to fit into a suitcase next to the toothbrush. :D have you tried contacting any of the other oud makers listed in this forum to see if they can make one? You probably can find a cheap or damaged oud for less than 400 euros, get out you tools and make something up yourself if you feel motivated! cheers, Matthew

joklany - 2-22-2009 at 10:52 AM

Hi Matthew

Unfortunately no luck yet. I am traveling to Syria tomorrow for a business trip and will ask around.

I am afraid I am not that skillful with my hands!

This year a major part of my travel is going to be to Egypt and Syria. So I may just buy two cheap ouds and leave them there!