Mike's Oud Forums

About the closure of Ross Daly's Labyrinth Music Workshop

PeppeOud - 3-11-2009 at 11:50 AM

Probably most of you already know about this sad news, but i thought to share with you and publish on this forum the communicate of mr. Ross Daly:

" Dear friends,

We regret to inform you that, due to the absence of even the slightest interest and support from the local and national government agencies and services concerned with cultural activities, the Musical Workshop Labyrinth has no choice but to close and cease all activities except for the 5 already announced seminars which are:

On Lefkada
1)Percussion with Zohar Fresco (18 – 23/3)
2)Afghan Rabab with Daud Khan Sadozai (24 – 29/3)
In the village of Houdetsi on Crete
3)Iranian Tombak with Pedram Khavar-Zamini (31/3 – 4/4)
4)Kemençe with Sokratis Sinopoulos (6 – 11/4)
5)Group work in modal music with Ross Daly (28/4 – 3/5)

For those of you who may not be aware of the exact nature of our work, our main focus is on the organization of seminars and master-classes centered on the subject of modal musical traditions involving some of the world’s most illustrious teachers and approximately 350-400 students every year from over 35 different nationalities. All of these seminars work below cost given that we the organizers are in no way interested in financial profit. Our only interest is in providing a valuable service to our students and indeed to music itself. The vast majority of our students have limited financial means and are not able to offer more than the modest sum which we are obliged to ask of them (250 euros for 6 days of tutelage with accommodation included).

Despite all of our efforts to establish some sort of cooperation between ourselves and the relevant government cultural agencies and services (Ministry of Culture, Region of Crete, Prefecture of Herakleion, etc.)none of the aforementioned showed any interest whatsoever even in meeting with us to discuss such a collaboration let alone in establishing it. All that we ask of them is to participate with us in the cost of the seminars so that the full weight of the real cost does not fall on the students who are unable to bear it. Until this year our partner in all of our efforts was the Municipality of Nikos Kazantzakis in the province of Herakleion on Crete. The Municipality undertook the management of the Musical Workshop Labyrinth as well as covering the financial gap incurred by the 25-30 seminars organized on Crete (approximately 35000 – 40000 euros annually). In the last two years we also established a fruitful albeit limited cooperation with the Municipality of Lefkada who helped us to organize 4 seminars at their location during the winter months.

As of this year, the Municipality of Nikos Kazantzakis has declared itself unable to cover the costs which it has covered up until now and, as a result, we are without the necessary funds to continue our activities. The Mayor of the Municipality Nikos Kazantzakis Mr. Rousos Kypriotakis has assured us that, despite his and his colleagues’ persistent and best efforts to ensure the interest and support of the local and national agencies and services involved in cultural activities in order to continue with our work, no response was forthcoming from any of them. As a result, the Musical Workshop Labyrinth has no choice other than to cease all activities and close.

The village Houdetsi has acquired international renown as a result of the activities of the Musical Workshop Labyrinth which has become the prime-mover for the development of the village itself as well as the area in general. The students and teachers of Labyrinth teach at some of the most prestigious institutions of musical education throughout Greece, Europe and elsewhere while simultaneously participating creatively and decisively in cutting-edge productions involving the integration of traditional elements of various cultural backgrounds in contemporary creative composition. Crete itself is developing into a focal point for the meeting, dialogue and creative interaction between cultures of the Mediterranean, the Balkans, and Asia. Unfortunately however the authorities show no interest....The financial gap which, for us, is an insurmountable obstacle, is for them inconsequential for such a significant cultural and developmental project. Their attitude of indifference and negativity can only be described as being criminal.

We are more than willing to seriously consider and even implement any proposed plan of action in order to continue our work here at Labyrinth except for the following three:
1)Increasing the costs of the seminars at the expense of the students
2)curtailing any aspect of the activities of Labyrinth
3)Any reduction in the quality of the teaching services thus far offered by Labyrinth.

In conclusion, I would like to thank all of the students and teachers who, for all these years, have graced us with their presence and trust. I would also like to thank the Municipalities of Nikos Kazantzakis and Lefkada who showed support for our activities an indeed did whatever they were able to on our behalf.

If anyone reading this message wishes to express their dissatisfaction and displeasure with this turn of events, I recommend that you send an email expressing your feelings to any one of the following email addresses or, even better, to all.
1) Crete Region : http://www.crete.gov.gr/contact.asp?id=4&category=19
2) Prefecture of Heraclion nairakl1@otenet.gr
3) Local Union of Municipalities Heraclion tedk@otenet.gr
4) Ministry of Culture : http://www.yppo.gr/0/gcontact.jsp 5) Municipality of N.Kaxantzaki http://www.dimos-nikoskazantzakis.gr/contact.html

All the best Ross Daly"

Personally, LMW has been for me the occasion to fall in love with the oud and turkish music and to be able to study and be in touch with great players and teachers like Yurdal Tokcan, Goksel Baktagir, Omer Erdogdular, Pedram Khavarzamini, Ross himself and many others in a very easy and affordable way. The atmosphere during the workshop summers in Houdetsi was just great and enhnanced my wish to learn and to improve myself as a musician. So, hoping for better news very soon, i just feel to say THANK YOU to Ross, Kelly and the other people who gave their contribute to create the wonderful experience that LMW has been.

Ararat66 - 3-11-2009 at 12:59 PM

Well I'm really upset by this - not just because I was plannng on going in the next year or so but because it is such a cultural gem.

I hope it flowers elsewhere.

My best regards to you all, we might meet up sometime.


Edward Powell - 3-11-2009 at 04:15 PM

thanks for posting this...

this is really sad and bad news.

shareen - 3-11-2009 at 04:53 PM

Maybe they can find another host country for this. This seems like a really incredible series. How about Turkey? Cyprus?

Edward Powell - 3-11-2009 at 06:03 PM

i have just now written to ross suggesting to him to forget about these local funders who are obviously feeling the $$$ crunch.

greece is in the EU, and the EU is still very rich.

40000 Euro per year is nothing for such a school!

can anyone suggest the proper people or agencies in the EU to contact to make them aware of this situation.

i am totally sure that if they would be aware they would offer the needed funding. The question is WHO to contact?

PeppeOud - 3-12-2009 at 12:34 AM

Well, Edward, i can't imagine why a private subject should finance a substantially non-profit always-in-loose organization like LMW. I think this kind of realities necessarily have to be linked to a place's public administration.. But who knows, maybe even in this time of crisis there are some philantrophes :D

Edward Powell - 3-12-2009 at 12:39 AM

Originally posted by PeppeOud
Well, Edward, i can't imagine why a private subject should finance a substantially non-profit always-in-loose organization like LMW. I think this kind of realities necessarily have to be linked to a place's public administration.. But who knows, maybe even in this time of crisis there are some philantrophes :D

I was in no way suggesting trying to find a private donator... I am suggesting go straight the EUROPEAN UNION'S DEPARTMENTS FOR CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT (whatever that might be actually called). Undoubtedly they have mulit-millions of Euros to spend each year on such projects.

adamgood - 3-12-2009 at 01:07 AM

Edward bravo to you for beginning to think outside of the box, keep going!

Wow I'm just now finding out about this, didn't hear of it. This is really a shame and must be so frustrating for Ross! He is far too talented and far too brilliant a man for coming up with the Labyrinth series out of his passions for this to happen.

That project is essential, I hope to see it continue or resurrect somehow.


PeppeOud - 3-12-2009 at 01:25 AM

Originally posted by Edward Powell
Originally posted by PeppeOud
Well, Edward, i can't imagine why a private subject should finance a substantially non-profit always-in-loose organization like LMW. I think this kind of realities necessarily have to be linked to a place's public administration.. But who knows, maybe even in this time of crisis there are some philantrophes :D

I was in no way suggesting trying to find a private donator... I am suggesting go straight the EUROPEAN UNION'S DEPARTMENTS FOR CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT (whatever that might be actually called). Undoubtedly they have mulit-millions of Euros to spend each year on such projects.

Sorry, i completely misunderstood. I agree with you, that's the way. For what i know EU yearly open some possibility to get funds for cultural activities. Something already well-developed like LWM should find no problem at all to get these, maybe the only obstacle is how to formalize it and how to build a safer and more solid partnership than a single funding.

Marina - 3-12-2009 at 07:03 AM

A few years ago I attended the Yordal Tokcan's classes. It is such a sad new that the school will not be able to continue with the programs...

Luttgutt - 3-12-2009 at 07:49 AM

Sad news :-(

Edward, I suggest Sweeden!
I might be capable of getting some contacts if Mr. Ross is interrested!
Good luck

Edward Powell - 3-12-2009 at 08:20 AM

I was just sadly informed by Kelly that they will also have to vacate the MUSEUM! This is just absurd! ...and what about Ross's astonishing collection of 150 oriental instruments!??

I heard from Ross, and he is now busy squeezing the gov't's b***s... He is hopefull. . . . . but......

Sweden sounds great! ...and afterall, when global warming really hits that might be the only inhabitable zone left anyway :cool:

PeppeOud - 3-12-2009 at 09:25 AM

this thing of the museum was already in the air months ago. The first problem they had with the municipality was that they didn't wanted to assure the safety of the instruments forcing kelly and ross to take them away.

Edward Powell - 3-12-2009 at 10:55 AM

you mean ross and kelly removed all the instruments already from the museum??! where did they put them??

PeppeOud - 3-12-2009 at 03:03 PM

if i understod correctly in between of the 2008 winter seminar in Lefkada and Kerkyra (i heard there about this question) and the last summer seminars the museum has been emptied because of that. I imagine they took the instruments at home. Anyway last summer the museum was full of instruments as usual.

charlie oud - 3-13-2009 at 02:01 AM

Peppe, Try stay positive and see any closure as temporary. The LMW clearly has a history. From this and also future development, the operation can put the case for sustained funding. The sum you seek is tiny. I feel the project could qualify for EU grant aid but this will probably take around a year to secure and your case will need to be professoinally delivered. In it you will need to demonstrate how the LMW significantly contributes to the community, its education, its culture and its value to Europe. You will do well to research the practise involved for acquiring EU funding for arts, culture and education. Next you will need a real wise guy, with knowledge of the EU process for determining the allocation of funds and who also knows how to present the case effectively. Keep the dream. C

Edward Powell - 3-13-2009 at 02:22 AM

yes, there is NO question that LMW can get 50,000 or so each year from the EU.

as Charlie outlines, it just needs to be done. Everybody is doing it! I myself managed to get a grant from the CC to study in istanbul.

so far Ross seems content to pressure the Greek gov't... but if that doesn't work, the EU is the best alternative.

mavrothis - 3-13-2009 at 08:35 AM

I heard about this and am really upset by it. The museum and the seminars in Houdetsi are really an amazing, and I think, necessary part of cultural life in Greece.

There may need to be some compromises made for them to have a future - if you think about it, the cost for the students was very low, since it included the lessons, room and board, and access to so many rare and well-made instruments.

Perhaps if more support can be found from the EU, perhaps also private donors, and possibly increase the cost to the students, the LMW can be resurrected and maintained indefinitely.

I hope something can be worked out, it's really sad to see this happen. We are all feeling the weight of the present economic crisis though - I had 3 concerts canceled last minute in one month! Hopefully, things will improve sooner than later, so the arts and non-profit groups can feel less threatened than presently is the case.

Take care,


Edward Powell - 3-13-2009 at 09:30 AM

this is an update from Ross:

Many many thanks to all of our friends who have expressed their solidarity with the Musical Workshop Labyrinth. Certain people have sent me messages making the perfectly reasonable supposition that the problems encountered by Labyrinth are yet another result of the "financial crisis". I just want to inform everyone that, even though this is indeed a very logical sounding supposition, it is definitely not the case. The "financial crisis" is a very real problem of course and we here in Greece will definitely feel it, but at the present time it is being used by all sorts people as a rug under which to sweep that which is not politically expedient. Labyrinth's problems are entirely and solely related to a seriously flawed Greek Government policy with regards to anything cultural and we, as well as many many others, have been plagued by these problems for decades. It's actually a wonder that we lasted so long! In fact our "longevity" is the direct result of the responsibility which we feel to our students and teachers whose trust in us is our prime inspiration.
Many thanks for you support
Ross Daly

theodoropoulos - 3-13-2009 at 11:27 AM

guys i asked the labyrith museum and they told me that its not curtain that it will be closed.
it's under thoughts.....
i hope so...

Jack_Campin - 3-22-2009 at 01:33 AM

I wrote to the Ministry of Culture address that Ross gave - no answer.

Did anybody who tried one of those addresses get a reply?

Edward Powell - 5-7-2009 at 04:16 AM

Labyrinth is BACK !


adamgood - 5-7-2009 at 04:31 AM

Originally posted by Edward Powell
Labyrinth is BACK !


Super cool for everyone! :buttrock: :airguitar: :xtreme:

Edward Powell - 5-7-2009 at 05:17 AM


It seems Ross's intuition was correct all along - since his tactic of embarrassing the local gov't worked.

Finally the gov't in Heraklion agreed to fork out quite a lot of support - even more than before - and this is amazing because the village of Houdetsi is not even IN the municipality of Heraklion!

So, finally it is a good thing - and all is back on track and even stronger than before. :bounce:...YES!

It seems Ross's intuition was correct all along - since his tactic of embarrassing the local gov't worked.

Finally the gov't in Heraklion agreed to fork out quite a lot of support - even more than before - and this is amazing because the village of Houdetsi is not even IN the municipality of Heraklion!

So, finally it is a good thing - and all is back on track and even stronger than before.

Edward Powell - 5-8-2009 at 12:25 AM

Subject: 2009 Summer Program at the Musical Workshop Labyrinth

registrations at info@labyrinthmusic.gr
tel/fax: 0030 2810 741 027


July 6-11*Daud Khan Sadozai, Afghan rabab and sarod
July 6-11 * Zaharis Spyridakis, Cretan lyra

July 13-18* Pedram Khavar Zamini, tombak
July 13-18 *Giorgos Xylouris, Cretan laouto
July 13-18*Siamak, Aghaei, Iranian santur

July 20-25*Zohar Fresco, percussion
July 20-25 *Omer Erdogdular, ney

July 27 August 1 *Ugur Isik, cello
July 27 August 1*Goksel Baktagir, kanun
July 27 August 1*Yurdal Tokcan, ud

August 3-8 *Marta Sebestyen,"Hungary - a nation with asian roots in the heart of Europe..."
August 3-8 *Derya Turkan, kemence
August 3-8* Mihalis Stavrakakis, mandolin

August 10-15*Tzvetanka Varimezova, Bulgarian singing
August 10-15*Ivan Varimezov, Bulgarian music
August 10-15 *Ross Daly, Music Group

August 17-22 *Ross Daly, lyra with sympathetic strings
August 17-22* Efren Lopez, Music Group

August 24-29 *Haris Lambrakis, Music Group
August 24-29* Erdal Erzincan, saz
August 24-29 *Mercan Erzincan, Turkish singing

Marina - 5-8-2009 at 04:59 AM

The cello guy is absolutly THE KING!!!! (July 27 August 1 *Ugur Isik, cello)


I want his autograph on my oud with a huge black marker!!!! :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: