Mike's Oud Forums


glenn sharp - 3-18-2009 at 01:48 AM


abusin - 3-18-2009 at 05:14 AM

Hi Glenn,

Thankfully my friend the oud is florishing now adays in the UK:bounce:, and in particular around the greater Manchester area there are a few oudists and we'd recently had our first Uk oud gathering in Manchester and was a great event "you can have a look at the event post if you search this forums".

Actually Glenn, I think you bought your oud from Dr. M. Mussa and its the most beautiful oud I've seen, rosewood "Nahat style" lucky you;) I don't know how you convinced him, as he was reluctant to sell it when we asked him. I hope I am in the right track here:rolleyes:, but I do remember Mussa said he sold it to some one called Glenn. Anyway that oud have a great sound and looks, even though when we tried it it was still new with a new set of strings. If you could post some pictures and sound please, there are pictures of this oud in the "Uk first oud gathering 2008" by the way but not detailed:(

Oudist's in Manchester, I'll leave you my contact details in your U2U give me a call and we can arrange a meeting. We regularliy have weekly oud practice and you're most welcome to come along.

Also in this forums there are members from Manchester.

Best regards

abusin - 3-18-2009 at 05:28 AM

Hi again Glenn,

I left you my contacts in your U2U, and below is the link to last years event I mentioned earlier.


We also having the next Oud gathering in Oxford in June this year:applause:

charlie oud - 3-18-2009 at 05:40 AM

Hello Glenn,

WELCOME!!! Yeah if Awad is correct you have a stunning oud, congrats. Hope you get to meet up with the guys in Manchester. They're a fine bunch.

Incidently, I have a 1968 Antonio Marin, flamenco negra for sale, she's beautiful. Please pass on this info to flamencos in Manchester if you know them. My mail below.

I played flamenco for many years until I was affected by musicians dystonia (focul hand dystonia). A rare motor nueron condition which affects a single highly developed function, in this case the ability to play fingerstyle. Luckily my left hand is unaffected. So anyway thats how I came to the oud, and why my beloved Marin is for sale.

Hope to meet you someday and try some oud with Flamenco even, Phrygian sits well on the oud. Also you may be interested in the next UK oud meet Planned for June.

Stay posted. C

charlie oud - 3-18-2009 at 05:50 AM

Hey Awad mate, How you doing buddy? I think you meant this thread for Glenn also. See you in June


this is the UK 2008 meet thread with the photos. C

abusin - 3-18-2009 at 06:47 AM

:mad: Silly me,

Thanks Charlie, yes this is what I was looking for mate,

How are you doing mate, I hope its sunny and warm where you are just like here:D
I am looking forward o Oxford date:airguitar:

charlie oud - 3-18-2009 at 07:15 AM

Its a fine day here too my friend!!. I think we're close to a formal announcement of date & venue, dont you?. Deserves a new thread dont you think?, fresh like the spring!!!.

With the pound about as strong as an oud held together with sticky tape, we may even get some overseas oudies to sunny Oxford!!

:D :wavey:

abusin - 3-18-2009 at 07:19 AM


my nahat oud

glenn sharp - 3-18-2009 at 11:05 AM

my nahat oud / michael moussa

Ararat66 - 3-18-2009 at 12:44 PM

Hello Glenn

Welcome to the forum - you've got a great bunch of udis in Manchester and of course Michael Moussa not so far away. Hope to see you and the others in Oxford soon. That is a beautiful oud is it the one Michael brought to the oud meeting last year?

Best wishes


Kelly - 3-18-2009 at 01:12 PM

Welcome Glen

Amazing oud. glad to see it in good hands.I have acouple of Michael Moussa's oud and they are indeed great intstruments. Your particular one is much admired- even legendary.
Hope to meet soon. either around Awads or a suitable Manc location.

Sheesha Anyone ? ! Leon says he'll make a special trip!

Ararat66 - 3-18-2009 at 01:48 PM

Not as legendary as my shisha action:xtreme:


glenn sharp - 3-19-2009 at 01:40 AM

will be in touch with you all for more oud talk /playing. My playing is a bit limited at moment to say the least, I'm more a flamenco and saz man ... will be starting lessons with Ahmed Muhktar in London hopefully! Very pleased to hear my oud is 'legendary'!!
Any of you out there professional players ..... looking to complete line-up for my latest project (guitar/saz/neys/doublebass/qanun/violin)

Ararat66 - 3-19-2009 at 02:14 AM

Its times like this I wish I'd had more of a musical training - it sounds like a great opportunity and I would take it if I regarded myself as a pro.


abusin - 3-19-2009 at 06:32 AM

Hi Lads,

Glenn I got your U2U and I look forward to your call, we never stop tallking oud:D so lets meet and talk more, I spoke to Mr Mussa last night he was a bit shaky after a minor car accident, he is fine thank God :bounce: and looking forward to stringing a new oud he just finished. I'll get some pictures uploaded when I have a chance to see him. He is saying hello to all :wavey:

hi Leon, more Shisha cafe's have opened along the curry mile, we went sampling last week and man so many flavours to choose from... if business brings you near by, we'd love take there again;) I am sure Kelly will do the honours again no doubt,

Kelly - 3-19-2009 at 12:34 PM

Hey Awad
I Hope Michael is ok. I'm looking forward to his new ?rosewood bowl creation. I'll see you Sunday insh'allah

Leon: You are welcome up here any time mate. the cats are purring in anticipation !

Ararat66 - 3-20-2009 at 05:25 AM

Hi Kelly

We just got a cat (Dennis the Menace) and no sneezing ... he's as daft as a brush. See you all soon.


DaveH - 3-20-2009 at 08:40 AM

Glenn, you're welcome to join us down here in Oxford on the 20th of June. You're lucky in that Manchester seems to be oud centre of the UK. There may be quite a few others coming down together.

Kelly - 3-20-2009 at 11:39 AM

Leon- great news about the cat. no problem with strings then!!!................................................sorry couldn't resist that.
Have a great weekend, regards to you and the family and hope you can find time for blondie too!

Glenn- hope to meet up soon. If you can make Oxford too that would be great. I'd say we got us a convoy!

Ararat66 - 3-20-2009 at 12:09 PM

I think THAT CAT will have my guts for garters long before I have his for strings - anyway I can't catch the ****er:bounce:

He luuuuurves my blondie!!!


oxford / june ?

glenn sharp - 3-23-2009 at 03:05 AM

thanks for the invite! .... sounds good .... do you do this regularly? .... what do you get up to, how many players etc ??

DaveH - 3-23-2009 at 09:56 AM

Very welcome. It's only the second time - I missed the first up in Hulme last year. I'd say we'll be 5-10 of varying abilities (I'm towards the bottom of the curve) and we'll just see what happens. Have a look at the thread for this gathering and the previous one.



Kelly - 3-23-2009 at 02:40 PM

Hi Glenn

The first UK meet was exactly that; a chance to meet fellow oud enthusiasts. The centre of gravity seemed to be Manchester with Leon and Charlie coming a fair distance with Owain and Peter also making a long trek mainly around Hulme community centres! The day was very loose just getting to know each other swapping tunes and stories with the welcome addition of Michael Moussa who brought the candy and the Man from Delmonte shipping in the pineapples! Dave H was getting hitched so apologies were accepted

As this is a relatively new enterprise we are all open to ideas and suggestions. some may want more formal workshop type format and others go for playing sessions. Lets just see how it develops. It would be good to move about the country to give as many people chance to make it. It may be possible to have more than one meet a year and with different focus/themes as has been suggested in the other thread.
I hope this helps.