Mike's Oud Forums

pickup for oud

moshe - 6-2-2004 at 04:08 AM

i am about to perform in the next month ' and i am intrsted in pickup for the oud.
do you recomended pickup or microphone?
if pickup' witch one is the best?

mourad_X - 6-2-2004 at 01:02 PM

hello moshe

the best sound you get is to using a condensator- microphone, wenn you performing with small groub or alone you may find no problem.
long time i use k&k twin spot on my cheaper ouds
but last week i was performing with a very loud reggae band on a very big stage and i found major problems with the feedback from the stage monitor-speakers and i coult not hear anything from the oud

another solution you find here


Oud picmup.

wfspark - 6-9-2004 at 07:06 PM

Originally posted by moshe
i am about to perform in the next month ' and i am intrsted in pickup for the oud.
do you recomended pickup or microphone?
if pickup' witch one is the best?
Hello Moshe. I think that the Dean Markly sweet spot classical guitar pickup will work. It worked on my oud. It's a small device with a long cord attached to it. It mounts on the sound board just behind the bridge using a nonabrasive residoo free adhesive puddy. It has a nice warm tone. I'm about to go buy one this weekend. If you'd like I'll post a file with the oud using that pickup.

William F. Sparks

Audio Technica AT 4041 condensor microphone

mavrothis - 6-12-2004 at 01:55 PM

Hi guys.

I recently ordered the AT 4041 mic from MUSIC 123 to test the results with my oud for live performing. I'll definitely be posting to let you know how it works out, I hope that I will be able to acheive the natural tone without a lot of feedback problems. It will take some experimenting. The cost of this mic and others in it's class is just under $300.

Some others that have been recommended to me are the Audio Technica AT 4055 ($252 on MUSIC 123)and the Rode S1 (saw one on ebay for around $230). I use a Rode NT3 condensor mic for home recording, and it works very well. The NT3 is under $200.

Take care,
