Mike's Oud Forums

pair of strings out of tune! please help me!

danieletarab - 6-4-2009 at 09:25 AM

Hello everybody..
Few months ago I bought a Banshir model oud in Istanbul by Alì Nisadir.
It was nice, even if in the last positions of the second choir it was not completely in tune\ it was not a big problem because I never play in those positions on the second choir.

2 weeks ago I changed strings (La Bella) and a big problem occured.
Now the second choir is fine, but the third pair of strings (D in my tuning) is complety not in tune!
I mean, even if I tune them perfectly and they sound in tune when I play them "empty", they get out of tune once I play in the first position (from the third position to the last ones)\ In the last positions the difference become almost half a tone!

What can it be? Something wrong with the oud? something wrong with the strings?
Please help me because I can't play it like this!

Desperate Daniele..

suz_i_dil - 6-4-2009 at 09:33 AM

Most likely this problem occure from the set of strings, it happens sometimes to get a defective pair of strings. Try to change it before to incriminate the oud.
I had this problem with a nylgut pair,the problem gone after the change of strings.
I don't know if there is a particular way to set new strings to avoid this problem or if it is really a problem only coming from the string making.

So don't be desperate and wish you to enjoy your instrument.

Luttgutt - 6-4-2009 at 10:37 AM

Hallo Daniele!

No need to panick :)
It does not sound like there is something wrong with your oud (a beautifull oud by ther way:)

1- Is the new set of strings thinner then the old one? In that case, I would say that the problem could come from the fact that floating bridge "holes" are too wide for the new strings, and this problem might occur on some of the wounded strings.

2- Did you try to tune the strings on the end position? what happened then? where they still in tune on the open?
p.s. my advise is to ALWAYS tune on the end position! the smallest and unnoticebale difference in tuning on the open position becomes bigger and bigger when you approche the joint (and that is normal).

3- did you try to put back the 2 strings that worked before? what happened then?

I hope the problem would desappear soon : )

best regards

Reda Aouad - 6-4-2009 at 11:14 AM

Hi Daniele :)

Although I loved LaBella strings, I had the exact same problem with 2 sets of LaBella not only one, but on the nylon G string.
They sound perfect when played open, and are even tuned perfectly on the electronic tuner. But going higher in position increases the difference in tuning exactly as you described. I can feel with you the frustration.

I posted my problem a while ago, and some members told me that the strings may be defective - that the diameter of one of the strings may vary along its length, resulting in the difference in tuning in higher position. I don't know what the exact problem might be, but when I changed the pair to the old one the problem disappeared. And I remember someone also suggested to me that I flip the ends of one of the strings and try again, but I didn't try it.

Luttgutt has an interesting suggestion, which I didn't try.. that of tuning on higher positions and not on open strings. Please try it before you replace the pair if you can and let us know your conclusion - if the tuning differs again on open strings or not.

I hope it's not a problem with the oud.. and I highly doubt it is.

Good luck :)

Danielo - 6-4-2009 at 11:20 AM

Hello Daniele,

don't worry it should be the strings.. I have exactly the same problem with LaBella on my Shehata.



John Erlich - 6-4-2009 at 09:35 PM

I posted on the same topic a few years ago. Here is the thread: http://www.mikeouds.com/messageboard/viewthread.php?tid=6048#pid362...

Buona Fortuna, Daniele!


peppeo77 - 6-5-2009 at 06:33 AM

Ciao Daniele,
prova ad invertire una corda alla volta, cioè l'estremità al ponte mettila al manico e viceversa. Ogni tanto funziona, magari è davvero soltanto una muta difettosa.
Ciao, Giuseppe.

P.s. Sorry for those who don't understand italian! It was an offer that cannot be refused...

myeyes2020 - 6-5-2009 at 08:35 PM

Interestingly, I recently changed my old krushner strings to labella on my Turunz oud. Like your sitiuation, I can't get the first course of strings (high C ) to tune accurately together. They both register as C on my chromatic tuner but together produce a strange shound. I'm confident from a past experience that it's the strings and not the oud. I'm just living with it for the next few months till I try something different. I'm going to guess that yours is the same.


didn't work ):

danieletarab - 6-8-2009 at 05:06 AM

Thank you very much to all of you..
I tried to tune the strings at the neck joint but it didn't work):
I also tried to put the string the other way round, but it also didn't work ):
The only thing to do is waiting for new strings to come..
I'll let you know and thank you again..

it works!

danieletarab - 6-8-2009 at 05:51 AM

Thank you Luttgutt!
I put the old strings (even if they are about to break down) and it works!!
Now I know that the problems is in the strings.

It was a very obvious thing to do but it didn't come to my mind..
Thank to you, there's one less sad oud player in the world..


Quote: Originally posted by Reda Aouad  
Hi Daniele :)

Although I loved LaBella strings, I had the exact same problem with 2 sets of LaBella not only one, but on the nylon G string.
They sound perfect when played open, and are even tuned perfectly on the electronic tuner. But going higher in position increases the difference in tuning exactly as you described. I can feel with you the frustration.

I posted my problem a while ago, and some members told me that the strings may be defective - that the diameter of one of the strings may vary along its length, resulting in the difference in tuning in higher position. I don't know what the exact problem might be, but when I changed the pair to the old one the problem disappeared. And I remember someone also suggested to me that I flip the ends of one of the strings and try again, but I didn't try it.

Luttgutt has an interesting suggestion, which I didn't try.. that of tuning on higher positions and not on open strings. Please try it before you replace the pair if you can and let us know your conclusion - if the tuning differs again on open strings or not.

I hope it's not a problem with the oud.. and I highly doubt it is.

Good luck :)


danieletarab - 6-8-2009 at 05:53 AM

Ops.. I made a mistake with the quote but it doesn't matter!
The important thing is that my oud is good, that you have been very kind, and may this website be blessed for ever (-:

Luttgutt - 6-8-2009 at 06:42 AM

I'm very glad to hear that it worked, and that the problem is not coming from the oud itself!:applause:
A very beautiful oud by the way :)

p.s. It does not matter wich quotation you take, everybody is trying there best to help! And that is the most important thing :wavey:

p.s.2. I hope I get the chance to hear you playing it in live :airguitar:
I can visit anytime between 1st and 12th of august.


danieletarab - 6-8-2009 at 09:50 AM

Of course you're very welcome!! Come whenever you like!http://www.mikeouds.com/messageboard/images/smilies/smile.gif

Alan - 6-14-2009 at 05:47 AM

One thing to try is to reverse the direction of one of the strings in the defective pair. Put the end from the bridge to the peg. Sometimes this will help correct an intonation problem in a pair of strings.