Mike's Oud Forums

The Maqam of the Week Thread

bahleh13 - 6-15-2004 at 12:36 PM

Is this mic on? Hello? Testing 1, 2...

Ok Ok, now it seems all is set, and we can start. TP u get great ideas, but ideas remain ideas until something is done, which is why I hope you will be reading this post ;) Of course one alone cant start an idea (unless he is a god which I ain't) and it requires the cooperation of all *groans* Come on!!! I am not asking you to lift mountains on your shoulders. All i want is some clips recorded :D

I nominate Nahawand as the Maqam of the Week. OK I know we heard a lot of it, but it seems all like it and can manage in it, even the "rookies" so might as well get everyone posting.

Here's the rules (my 2 cents):
- The post is how u play it usually, so it can either be the maqam itself or a variant, whichever makes you feel comfortable
- The post has to be AT LEAST 2 mins. We all like to enjoy listening to each others' taksims, and frankly anything less 2 mins is a torture for us (refer to posts with taksims around 1 min only)
- People who are critics should participate as well :) Of course I know y'all like to hear and remark on nice work, but if only one or two will post and everyone will only remark we'll get nowhere. If the critic plays Oud it is MANDATORY to post a piece at least once.
- People may feel free to post more than one piece. One piece makes a brother happy, imagine what two or three would do ;)

Other than that, I am open to more suggestions how the posts should be or any changes or additions to the rules stated above.

I posted henceforth my first piece (rules apply on who put them, else I'd be a hypocrite) of nahawand. A bit short, but I guess I was too busy and exhausted, I need to brush up once again on my Oud playing, coz frankly playing some 4 hours two days a week is bad :( Hope y'all will like it.

Yours truly,
Basel :D

P.S. I just came after a long period of absence, do not refuse me my request :) Please?! prettypleasewithsugarontop??

welcome back

zeyad - 6-15-2004 at 05:13 PM

Hi Basel, it is nice to hear you playing oud again. Can I suggest something? maybe it will be helful also (for bigenners like me) if you or oud players specify the note or key of the maqam you play. For example, you played Nahawand on C.
I enjoy your taqaseem. I am not a critic :) . So, I will give you just my personal opinion. It sounds like your taqaseem is made of two main parts. I like the first part the most. The second (where you started from "g" is cool too and more creative. But I like the first part because it sounds more emotional and realy give the feeling of Nahawand. Thank you (my teacher) for this clip. I am zeyad, if you remember me. I would post a Nahawand cilp very soon.

Great Taqsim

LeeVaris - 6-16-2004 at 01:22 PM

Wonderful Taqsim Basel! A lot of feeling there. I'm afraid I can't offer much in the way of critique - I don't know enough about the subtleties of the maqamet yet. It sounds good to me though – keep it up :airguitar:

I'll do my part to keep this thread alive. Here is my own humble offering – still trying to feel my way around Nahawand in C:

Jameel - 6-16-2004 at 06:45 PM

Ok, Basel. Welcome back! How can we refuse such a request? I don't know if I'm as isolated as Latvia, but this forum can be a great motivator. I missed your playing and your posts from the Farid forum. Thank God for Mike, huh?!

Here is my offering. Critique away, I'm just a beginner. I bring in a little Ajam at one spot that's a bit off, but I haven't been playing much Nahawand lately.

I'm pretty busy, so a file per week will be impossible for me. Maybe we could do Maqam of the Month? Are we in any hurry here? This week is almost over and only two responses with files....so maybe it's a good idea. Lets hear it.

Taqasim Nahawand


P.S. Lee, nice clip. You are lucky to have a great teacher and access to Kan Zaman.


bahleh13 - 6-19-2004 at 07:08 AM

Guys the thread is going nice with two additions and two suggestions.

Lee as I remember (if my memory isn't playing games on me) before i got too busy with studies and left the forum, you still didnt play and were looking for a teacher. What I hear now is very very great!!! Keep up your good work. Thanx for your compliments and in fact you deserve them more than i do, since you have achieved such a piece in a short time (2 months?)

Jameel, thanx for what you said, I'm glad someone misses my playing :) You piece is quite excellent (those excercises u got from Simon Shaheen work like a wonder, can i get them by mail?). I like also how you switch to the nahawand with hijaz variant, and the ajam switch was quite unfamiliar, but it was good and fluid when you returned back to nahawand, so I guess it wasnt bad using ajam at all there, as long as u treat it the same way u did in this piece :D I have nothing more to say (I feel afraid I might do the piece injustice by complimenting with words which are not enough :) ). Jameel i also tossed the idea in my head and I do agree that it WILL be the Maqam of the Month, since people can be busy, and one week is not enough to get everyone's posts (I know others would love to partiipate given that they have time), so ur proposal is granted :) Besides TP, Emad and the rest still didnt post here so I dont have the heart not to wait for pieces from them. (Hope y'all are reading this). One more thing, i like how you switched to Kurd on G when you played "Nassam 3alayna el Hawa", frankly I started to play it for a couple of hours after I heard ur piece, coz I never played it from G, rather I always played it from A. Quite inspiring (actually i forgot that the piece was in Nahawand and later realized that I didnt feel how u changed it). Keep up the good work mate.

Last but not least, my dear "student" zeyad :) (of course I still remember you ;) ) Thanx for being a critic, in my opinion being a critic is part of the learning process, hence essential. I agree as well to what you suggest, and I promise that I will post it quite soon, with as much details about the maqam and variants and switches as I can. Hopefully we'll be hearing your post soon. you were right I was playing on C (some play on D, like Farido in Ma2darshi if you saw the clip), only I tuned one step higher for reasons i'll specify later.

Waiting for all the rest to post. Peace y'all!!

Yours truly,
Basel :D

P.S. i DO thank God for Mike and his forum. Mike, hoping u r reading this. Post as well man :)
P.P.S. Jameel ur Oud's tone sounds richer now (possibly the wood drying). I like it a lot.

na3na3_elQT - 6-19-2004 at 12:16 PM

guys I"ve been playing the guitar for eight years, but I LOOOOVE el anooun and the 3oud. I wanna play but I feel really challenged...
any previous guitarists on the thread?
Also alot of the songs are not downloading...:rolleyes:

Former guitar player

LeeVaris - 6-19-2004 at 01:14 PM

Hi na3na3_elQT

I'm a former guitar player (30+years) I got my first oud in December - had my first lesson the end of January. I think I've had about 6 lessons so far but I've also been taking drumming lessons from my oud teacher as well and I think that helps. Guitar has given me strength and coordination for my left hand and making the transition to a fretless instrument has been relatively easy – definitely not as hard as I thought it would be. The hardest thing for me is the right hand risha technique. This is much different that the flat pick technique practiced with steel string guitars. Oud risha technique is much more sophisticated and there is also quite a bit of variety in approaches from different styles.

All I can say is to dive in... the water is fine!

I love the oud so much I haven't picked up any of my guitars since January! I'm even getting ready to sell one on ebay.

As far as songs not downloading - this is usually a Mac vs PC sort of thing... if you're on a PC (Windows) just make sure you have the latest Quicktime plug-in for Windows so you can access the latest compression codecs for the aiff or mp3 files.

Now lets hear some Taqsim! TP?, Emad?, Ronny?

BTW, Jameel, I really liked that Ajam bit as well – a nice surprise and you returned to Nahawand very nicely. Nice Qaflas (sp? not sure on the exact term here) where you come to a stop in the playing - nice feeling there. Anyone else care to comment on that? I notice it a lot in Sunbati's playing.

Jameel - 6-19-2004 at 04:05 PM


Thanks, friend. I always play Nassam alayna that way. It's easy. When I play taqasim, I think I get too mentally involved in technique. When I listen to the recording, I know exactly where I should have gone and what I should have said (you know taqasim mimics the voice), but it's harder to do that while actually playing. Time and practice, plus relaxing mentally and letting it happen is the key I think. E-mail me about the Shaheen excercises. (you can get my e-mail address from my website). The oud I played for the taqasim is not the one I built, but a Sukar I just repaired. It's a nice oud. See this thread.


Thanks. Regarding the qaflat (pl.), this is an essential part of a taqasim. Each phrase ends with a qafla. This is like a punctuation mark. Like a period. You can read detailed info about it at Brian Prunka's website. Or this. All great oud players use the qafla, Farido's were some of the best. (Of course:D)

TP, Emad, looking forward.......

Mike - 6-20-2004 at 12:16 PM

Hey guys,

Welcome back Basel - and don't worry, I read all the posts. ;) We missed you. I like this idea my friend. Just make sure you continue to do it though. We've had good ideas before, but people never seem to follow through with them. Very nice playing for all of you guys. Jameel, your playing has improved immensely. Way to go!

Take care,

hello again fine people

sydney - 6-22-2004 at 03:10 AM

It's been a long time since my last post. I did miss all of you. As most of you know that I was getting married.

I recommend all of you to play oud and also get married :bounce:

Jameel you sounded very creamy.. lovely feelings there mate.

Basel Your taqsim was rather serious but nice after exams. I hope your exams went well. This is a very nice idea Basel. I love it and I hope we all support it.

here is my humble share...

Oh Varis

sydney - 6-22-2004 at 03:15 AM

Mate, I could not play your file on my PC. is it possible for you to re-post it in mp3 or real player formats please?


Emad from Sydney

Mike , Thank you so much man.

Sound File

LeeVaris - 6-22-2004 at 10:59 AM

Sorry Sydney,

I have a lot of trouble converting my sound files into anything other than Quicktime at a reasonable size. See if you can download this version... its a Quicktime file but hopefully its ion a standard enough format for you:


LeeVaris - 6-22-2004 at 11:11 AM

OK, I couldn't even get that one to work.

Try this ... its in MPEG-4 format. If anyone else can translate these files maybe you can help out here. Mike?

Emad rules !

LeeVaris - 6-22-2004 at 11:27 AM

Great Taqsim Emad...

Very cool risha work there!

zeyad - 6-22-2004 at 11:31 AM

Hi guys,
LeeVaris, I also use Mac, but do not have any problem with sound formats. I use SoundEdit to record music and then RealProducer to convert files into Realplayer format (.rm).

Here is my try : Nahawand on (C) and at 1:09, I shifted to Bayati on (g). Is it called Ushaq Masree maqam when you have Nahawand on (C) then Bayati on (g)?

Elie Riachi - 6-22-2004 at 11:32 AM

Originally posted by LeeVaris
If anyone else can translate these files maybe you can help out here. Mike?

I downloaded the latest free version of Quicktime and installed it. Then right clicked on the aif and saved target as, then double clicked the file from the location it was sved to. This is how it worked for me.

I hope this helps.


Jameel - 6-22-2004 at 02:56 PM

Thanks, Mike and Emad.

Emad, I really like your style. Very Farido-ish.

Mike - 6-22-2004 at 03:23 PM

Hey guys,

Welcome back from your honeymoon Emad. Great taqsim my friend!

Lee, I was able to convert the MPEG-4 format to MP3. Here it is my man.

Take care,

Brian Prunka - 6-22-2004 at 03:38 PM

Hey I gotta say how good eveyone sounds.
Especially Emad!

Jameel my man, good to hear something from you; I don't think I heard your playing before. Very nice.

of course everyone else sounds good too . . .
I enjoyed Basel's taqsim a lot. Lee, I can't believe you just got your oud in december.
Zeyad, you're right about the Ushshaq Masri maqam, except it's usually from D-d (D E F G A B1/2b C D). The important thing about that maqam is that the leading tone to D is always a whole step (C) instead of the half-step usually used in Nahawand.

So as not te be in violation of the rules, here's something from me. It's not a 'real' taqsim in terms of structure/development etc., but it's in Nahawand. I was basically noodling around while testing out my new microphone . . .

Nahawand Noodling


LeeVaris - 6-22-2004 at 09:19 PM

Brian... very, very cool!

Jameel - 6-23-2004 at 03:44 PM

Hey Brian,


Awesome song, my friend. I can definitely hear some Shaheen influence. :applause:

revaldo29 - 6-24-2004 at 08:39 PM

Hey everybody,

I'm realy glad to have run across this forum. I listened to everyones playing and all I can say is I've got a lot to learn.

I have two questions and it would be great if someone out there would help me out. I've been playing the oud for about 1 and 1/2 years. I also play percussion and I've been doing that for about 6 years. Playing the oud has been a little tough because I haven't realy had anyone to teach me. My only source of information is from websites and articles which can never replace a personal lesson. So my first question is, does anyone know of someone in the Atlanta area who plays the oud pretty well and would be willing to spend some time with me?

The second question is can someone tell me how to record my playing on the computer and post it on this forum? I have a regular computer-mike and a pick-up that attaches to my oud but I don't think I could get that to the computer in any way.

As soon as I figure out how to do that, I will post a recording up and hopefully get some criticism.

Oh ya, Brian, I loved your playing. It has a realy soothing western feel to it.

Adnan Elhammali

revaldo29 - 6-24-2004 at 08:54 PM

Originally posted by revaldo29
Hey everybody,

I'm realy glad to have run across this forum. I listened to everyones playing and all I can say is I've got a lot to learn.

I have two questions and it would be great if someone out there would help me out. I've been playing the oud for about 1 year. I also play percussion and I've been doing that for about 6 years. Playing the oud has been a little tough because I haven't realy had anyone to teach me. My only source of information is from websites and articles which can never replace a personal lesson. So my first question is, does anyone know of someone in the Atlanta area who plays the oud pretty well and would be willing to spend some time with me?

The second question is can someone tell me how to record my playing on the computer and post it on this forum? I have a regular computer-mike and a pick-up that attaches to my oud but I don't think I could get that to the computer in any way.

As soon as I figure out how to do that, I will post a recording up and hopefully get some criticism.

Oh ya, Brian, I loved your playing. It has a realy soothing western feel to it.

Adnan Elhammali

Brian Prunka - 6-29-2004 at 09:18 AM

Thanks for your comments, guys . . .
here's another improvisation in Nahawand:

nahawand mp3

by the way . . . what's the maqam for July?

Wow... again

LeeVaris - 6-29-2004 at 08:08 PM

Man, Brian...

You rock! Lovely taqsim... very musical – great feeling and dynamics. I especially liked the the chordal harmonies you used about 2/3 of the way through. The piece went through a lot of changes even though you stayed pretty much with Nahawand.

Great... keep 'em coming!

As far as maqam for July, anyone up for Hijaz?

Back again!

bahleh13 - 7-1-2004 at 03:52 AM

Well guys, this thread is definitely going the way I want :)

Sydney welcome back ya 3arees, and alf mabrouk. Ur piece was wonderful, and again I am having this craving to listen to it every day :D Hopefully u will support the threads to come with your contributions. I like the part where u included "Al Nahr el Khalid" (I'm not sure about the title but I think it is). Waiting for news from the stork ;)

Brian I like ur pieces (2 contributions better than 1 :D ). I liked ur taksim a lot, and u included most of the switches in maqams in it. Ur noodling (I feel hungry now) wasnt bad either, hope we'll get to hear more noodling from u ;)

Zeyad, my "student" ur were great too, and u got the maqam right as well. Sorry i didnt have time to post the details but I will do it as soon as I find time, coz everything is hectic here.

Revaldo, I cannot help u with the first question, but with second I can try to clarify. U can use Windows' Sound Recorder, if u have a good mic u wont have much problems, but u can also download fro internet different recorders, I cannot tell which, but maybe other guys can help. I have a special program that came with my soundcard installation (AvRack).

As for the maqam of the next month, I am not sure exactly how u prefer, would u like that we start on the beginning of the month with the new maqam, or simply wait till 15th of July (one month after the previous post started)? Lee, I wanted to suggest either Hijaz or Ajam, coz they are kind of easier for beginners, with no quartertones. Kurd also is good, but I think we already had a thread with lots of it. Should we go for a poll to decide which maqam? I think it's a better idea, we'll choose one out of three or four, and next month we'll keep the other ones in the poll and add a new one to replace the chosen one.

As for me, I decided that I can find some time for another recording, I had to do in two segments coz the mic wasnt stationed to pick my voice well, I hope the splicing won't sound too evident. Hope y'all will like it.

Peace y'all!!

Yours truly,
Basel :D

zeyad - 7-1-2004 at 04:36 PM

Very nice and enjoyable taqseem and singing too. You are really good at Farido music.

Very Nice Basel

LeeVaris - 7-2-2004 at 07:58 AM

Its all good...

I have much to learn from you – keep those recordings coming!

revaldo29 - 7-2-2004 at 01:58 PM

Well, I finally got my recording on the computer and encoded it to mp3. I hope I can get some responses from the great musicians that I've heard on this fourm and I hope you guys enjoy. Please let me know what you think I should do to make it better.

revaldo29 - 7-2-2004 at 02:11 PM

I guess everything didn't workout as well as I thought. I'm trying to figure out why my file won't attach.

revaldo29 - 7-2-2004 at 02:27 PM

If someone out there knows why I can't attach the file, please let me know. I hit browse and placed the address to the file in the attachment field and hit submit but it didn't show up. The file is about 4 mb so I don't think it's too large.

bahleh13 - 7-2-2004 at 03:55 PM

Actually Revaldo, 4 Mb is very large, I believe ur attachment shouldn't exceed 1 Mb. I believe Mike can help, all u have to do is try to mail him the file (hope ur reading this Mike).

Lee and Zeyad, thanx a lot for ur comments :) Farido is the best at Oud and singing, that's why I enjoy playing and singing for Farid. Hope y'all will post as well.

Guys, when do u think the deadline for the poll should be? How about 10th of July? Gives us some 5 days to prepare for the new maqam.

Peace y'all, and keep on playing.

Yours truly,
Basel :D

Mike - 7-2-2004 at 07:05 PM

Hey guys,

Revaldo, I just emailed you a compressed version of your recording. You should be able to upload now bud.

Basel, do it now man! Yalla, go for it. :applause:

Take care,

revaldo29 - 7-2-2004 at 07:49 PM

Here you go guys
After many failed attempts, I finally got the file ( thanks to mike). Let me know what you think.

habeebkum - 3-29-2005 at 06:04 PM

hi guys. thanks for compressing this file for me mike, and for the nice comment. anyway, i've been wanting to join in these for a while but couldn't figure out how to post my recordings! hopefully this will work. i listened to all the other posts and i really do think i'm in over my head! i really enjoy listening to all of u guys. i learn alot from it too.

habeebkum - 3-29-2005 at 06:15 PM

how frustrating!!!!! i dont think that one works either!!!

habeebkum's taqsim nahawand

Mike - 3-30-2005 at 06:35 AM

here you go habeebkum.

habeebkum - 3-30-2005 at 09:10 AM

thanks mike. ur a star!!