Mike's Oud Forums

Aquila Strings(Reds) Feedback

MattOud - 7-21-2017 at 06:14 AM

Hi Everyone,

I have been curious of the aquila strings for some time and when i saw the nice new red wound super nylgut posted here, i had to try them!

Anyways, everything went well except for the low bass string. For some reason it unwound and is no good. All the other strings seemed to work for me. I think i had a bad string is all...

Here is the install pics:
original strings(unknown, came with oud)
zaherstring1.jpg - 257kB

zaherstring2.jpg - 291kB zaherstring3.jpg - 316kB zaherstring4.jpg - 351kB zaherstring5.jpg - 236kB zaherstring6.jpg - 238kB zaherstring7.jpg - 278kB zaherstring8.jpg - 338kB zaherstring9.jpg - 283kB

So far, the strings have continued to go out of tune for over a week now... I have only installed one other set of strings before, on my other oud, and it kept tune after 2-3 days, so aquila's seem to go need more stretch time i guess!
The sound is okay. It is quieter than i am used to. I am thinking for this particular 7 course oud that i like the full steel wound nylon strings better(pyramid), but i will wait a couple more weeks to see if these settle and if i like. If not, i will be replacing with the pyramid oranges, which i find very nice myself. I come from a guitar background, so it may just be that i am used to a tingier sound.

ps:you can see how in the last pic(pic9) that the low bass string does not look wound good above the pegboard. This ended up breaking by unwinding a day later and i now have another bass string(silver wound) on and working great!!!

Alfaraby - 7-21-2017 at 02:24 PM

In order to achieve faster fixed tuning, you have to shorten a string, till it reaches 3 pegs ahead from the tuning peg of the specific string. The longer the string is, the longer it takes it to settle down .
Try it with these reds and share your experience with us.
Good luck

Yours indeed

MattOud - 7-21-2017 at 07:36 PM

Wonderful tip! Thanx very much.
I will try that for sure and report.

Microber - 7-22-2017 at 04:13 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Alfaraby  
you have to shorten a string, till it reaches 3 pegs ahead from the tuning peg of the specific string.
Yours indeed

I do not absolutely understand what you advise Alfaraby.
Could you be a little more specific ? ;)


Thickness of the C string

david-klampfe - 7-22-2017 at 09:50 AM

I tried the red Aquila strings on two ouds.
Both times the low C string was too thick to put it through the bridge.

Alfaraby - 7-22-2017 at 03:53 PM

Excuse my poor technical language. Strings usually come a meter long or so, while you don't actually need them that long. Therefore you should cut the extra length and keep enough for a couple of rounds, or whatever they're called. The shorter the string, the quicker it rests.
Well, I tried my best. Hope this was more helpful.

Good luck

Yours indeed

Leila - 7-23-2017 at 03:15 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Alfaraby  
Excuse my poor technical language. Strings usually come a meter long or so, while you don't actually need them that long. Therefore you should cut the extra length and keep enough for a couple of rounds, or whatever they're called. The shorter the string, the quicker it rests.
Well, I tried my best. Hope this was more helpful.

Good luck

Yours indeed

I also have recently bought these quila Nylgut strings, took a while for them to settle in but now they are sounding great and keeping in tune. I also shortened them before putting them on but still they have taken some weeks to settle... Worth the wait though!

MattOud - 7-27-2017 at 07:54 AM

I agree with Leila. It has been a couple weeks now, and i was away all last weekend which gave them plenty of time to settle more, and i am finding that each day they need very little tuning, and i am being particular.
They sound really really nice as well!

I also am having fun trying various rishas. I have 4 types:

1 from pyramid (celluloid)
1 from arab instruments(cow horn)
1 from Yaron Naor (white custom)
1 that I made from plastic i found (black custom)

My #1 favourite risha for sure is the arab instrument bulls horn for sound(tone). I also love the Yaron Naor custom one he made me for faster playing. This one gives a beautiful tone when played with the aquilas... I am continuing to find and try more as well as i get them.

Khalil_Oud - 7-27-2017 at 09:03 AM

Hello mattoud,
Can you give us the information about how to get Yaron Naor rishas? Many thanks.

I make use of the opportunity to give my opinion on using aquila strings, somethimes it's good to know.... in few words the c, g and d (1th, 2nd and 3th) give a nice and soft sound comparing to pyramids (regulars and premium) those are brighter , but I wasn't satisfied by the aquila basses (reds) because they didn't keep the tone, as it sad ebove, and i found the response time (reactivity) slow.
But i understand that every oud/player/technic are unique and the preferences are personal...
Regards to all !

MattOud - 7-27-2017 at 09:29 AM

Hi Khalil,
Love listening to your playing from your youtube link! GREAT!

You can ask Yaron directly to make and send you a custom risha:
His facebook contact details are here:

or you can email him directly at ibisyn@gmail.com

One day i want to get another one made. I think i have figured out the perfect length for my hand, which is a 14.4mm risha.
The one he made is nice as well at 13.5mm.

Khalil_Oud - 7-27-2017 at 04:55 PM

Hi Matt,
Thank you very much ! I appreciate !
Thank you for the information, I'll contact him for sure :)


SamirCanada - 7-28-2017 at 05:10 AM

Khalil, I have a risha by Yaron if you want to try it next time you come to Ottawa.
its very soft and polished nylon. Its good for a fast light touch playing.

Horn is more direct and a less rounded sound.

Khalil_Oud - 7-29-2017 at 07:04 AM

Hi Samir,
Thank you !! Try it before you by it is the best !! :)
The Best !


stos - 8-1-2017 at 12:44 AM

Hey guys,

I like very much aquilla generally but.... Am I the only one that is horrified by the color of those new strings....? :rolleyes: