Mike's Oud Forums

How to get a Sukar Oud?

rojaros - 9-5-2008 at 08:40 AM

Hi everybody,

Does anybody know a good channel to get a Sukar Oud?

Thanks for hints!

Alan-TX - 9-5-2008 at 08:52 AM

Where are you located?

I'm in the US and I recently bought a Sukar from palmyrami off ebay and it was a good experience. No complaints at all. Based on my experience I would buy from him again.

However In the past some people have had complaints. But recently it seems they have been trying to improve customer service and have been posting here to the forums.

Good luck in your search

charlie oud - 9-5-2008 at 10:14 AM

I received mine from Danoud on the forum, I,ve mailed him to view this thread in case he can help you. C

mjamed - 9-5-2008 at 08:18 PM


just eamil the Sukkar himself

this is his email


ask him about oud types, prices and shipping costs

and here is his cell phone


good luck

Melbourne - 9-6-2008 at 12:56 AM

mjamed - you know anyhthing about contacting Sukar drectly? via email? Many people have tried and tried, but he never seems to respond.


MatthewW - 9-6-2008 at 01:10 AM

I'd be interested as well on how to contact Ibrahim. I also tried emailing him and phoning him but no answers. perhaps it's useful if one spoke Arabic? I was told that sometimes it's not easy to get through on the phone when calling Syria, anyone know? regards MW

rojaros - 9-6-2008 at 02:40 AM

Thanks a lot for advices.

Email was never answered, the online request doesn't work, I'm not speaking the language...

Christian1095 - 9-6-2008 at 08:01 AM


I've also bought a Sukar from Palmyrami - I bought it directly from his website... they were good with email and it was a good experience for me. Also, the instrument was packed very well.... They're located in the states though...

mjamed - 9-6-2008 at 08:36 PM

I contacted him him via email, it took him a while to respond,

aslo i phoned him many times and he did answer but both of these happend months ago.

Melbourne - 9-6-2008 at 09:42 PM

It seems to me that palmyrami likes to deal with people new to the oud, this way he always has the upper hand, I dont know if you are new to the oud Christian1095. But whenever palmyrami gets a more advanced queriy, such as detailed pics etc, he runs away. But with people new to the oud he can spin what he likes, and the customer will just nod their heads in agreement ;) So just be caucious rojaros.

Christian1095 - 9-7-2008 at 09:00 AM

Hey Melbourne,

I'm completely new to the Oud... However, at no point in dealing with Palmyrami did I feel like they "had the upper hand" - Have you read thier site?!? It was obvious from this description that they wouldn't be able to answer many questions --- From thier website: "It is really a piece of art which it took a long time and many efforts to make. Be careful of imitations, always ask for a certificate of authenticity. Make sure to get it !!! " - Zoiks... that description alone was enough to make me seek others for ANY real information about Sukar Ouds.

I actually have 2 Sukar ouds... The first I bought from SamirCanada here on this board... and the second I bought from Palmyrami to have as a backup oud.... So I sort of knew what I was getting ahead of time.... However, I was surprised at the quality of the $400 ouds on their site. But, I was expecting a $400 oud - so my purchase was made on my experiance with Mr Sukar's work and the reputation he has as a craftsman on this board... And I was surprized how nice his low end ouds sound.

But they really don't sell high end ouds either so exactly what do you expect them to do in order to make a sale? I think thier most expensive is $800... and while $800 isn't cheap... It's also not what you'll pay to have a custom oud... And if we were talking about a guitar or bass, then $800 isn't much at all... So perhaps it a matter of perception... I would not expect them to go an unpack a Sukar oud to take detailed pics... (Unless the buyer had purchased from them before... or did enough business to make maintaining that relationship worth unpacking an oud.)

My expectation changes completely if we're talking about buying the Nahat on the website.... For that ammt of $$$ I would most certainly expect them to take pictures/measurement/etc...

Melbourne - 9-8-2008 at 03:24 AM


what your saying is very true. I too would not expect much for 400 bucks, and nothing at all for the ali khalife and fake iraqi ouds.But when I contacted them I was enquiring about the top end sukar oud, though its still 800 dollars, its still the best sukar model. In addition they have too much of a "sales person" attitude, rather than a genuine love of the oud attitude. I know that everybody has to make a living somehow, but at the end of the day, we're talking about a musical instrument to be played, not a souvenier, wall furniture etc...

This was just my experiebce dealing with them...


Cooper - 9-8-2008 at 06:07 AM

Yeah, I have been really wanting to get that Sukar buzuq from E-Palarami, but they currently will not respond to my e-bay questions, which kind of discourages me a bit ($499 for that model of Sukar buzuq is a great price). Sucks for me :(

ozeri - 9-8-2008 at 06:15 AM

I was enquiring about the top end sukar oud, though its still 800 dollars, its still the best sukar model.

Hi which model # is the top end in Sukar.
I have a model 14 and I'm curious as to which model
is considered the best in Sukar.

Thanks , Ozeri

Christian1095 - 9-8-2008 at 08:38 AM

Yeah, I get what you're saying... It's a drag that they don't get into the Oud as much as any of us... But, for what they are (online wholesaler) they do OK in my opinion... they were really quick to respond to me about shipping and had it out the door the same day... Past that, I don't expect too much... And they're the only importer of Sukar ouds in the US... However, I really do wish they would drop some of the "used car salesman" language on thier site.

From what I can tell, the "top end" has ebony pegs and inlay... The difference in sound quality between a top end and a low end is not much in my opinion... I have both the $400 and the $800 models and they both sound great.

Cooper - 9-8-2008 at 10:13 AM

Well, he just answered my question about selling buzuq strings. I do not know why anyone doesn't carie them. Do people not change there strings with this instrument? :shrug:

Samer - 9-9-2008 at 03:25 PM

I will start selling Strings for Buzuq and ouds in the next 2 months.

I did answer your questions right away dustin through ebay, its weird you did not get it ? did you check your ebay inbox ?

Take care,

Cooper - 9-10-2008 at 04:22 PM

Yeah, I did check it. Oh well, you did answer the e-mail that I sent from work, so that's okay. I am glad you are going to carry those strings. Thanks!

Cooper - 9-12-2008 at 06:09 AM

Well, I am excited! I just ordered a Sukar buzuq! I will post pictures (and maybe a sound bite if I do not suck that bad) when I get it.

Alan-TX - 9-18-2008 at 06:39 AM

So did the buzuq arrive yet? I am really curious about what you think of it.

oud_man - 9-19-2008 at 03:49 AM

Hi there
I do have Ibrahim alsukar oud for sale. the price is $400+shipping cost. I live in london
let me know if you are intersted so I can send u some pictures

rojaros - 9-19-2008 at 08:43 AM

Hi there, thanks for response...

yes generally speaking I'm intersted ... depends on the model. Which model is it?

Pleas mail me pictures

Thanks in advance

Originally posted by oud_man
Hi there
I do have Ibrahim alsukar oud for sale. the price is $400+shipping cost. I live in london
let me know if you are intersted so I can send u some pictures

Christian1095 - 9-24-2008 at 09:51 AM

Originally posted by Samer
I will start selling Strings for Buzuq and ouds in the next 2 months.

I did answer your questions right away dustin through ebay, its weird you did not get it ? did you check your ebay inbox ?

Take care,

Just to let everyone know... I just had the same thing happen through ebay as well. I sent a question via ebay to Samer and didn't get a response. It was about an item I had bid on and won, so I was a little worried - since I was talking about shipping (was listed as UPS ground) -- so I emailed the address in his profile and got an immediate response. He copied his response that he had on EBAY as well... But for some weird reason, it didn't make it to my inbox.... even though it was timestamped at 11 PM... and it's now 2:00 the next day...

Weird... but I wanted to post this in case anyone read the response "I did answer your questions right away dustin through ebay, its weird you did not get it ? " and think something was fishy... It happened to me too...

Cooper - 9-24-2008 at 10:06 AM

Hey, sorry, I have been out for a while. The e-mail problem with e-bay happen with a few other venders too, so I am needing to ask e-bay about that.

I did get the buzuq, but I just was not happy with the sound. I am not sure what I was expecting, but I just did not feel like sending it back, having him send me another one, maybe sending that one back, ect. and in the mean time pay $35 for shipping each time until I was happy with one that he sent to me.

I do have to say, I won that bid on e-bay on a Wednesday and it was at my house the following Monday, so that was really fast (Michigan to Oklahoma). The instrument was beautiful looking, but something was ringing inside the body and I could not figure out what it was (it was really loud too). I took off that low C string, tighten it back on, tuned it to a different note, yadda, yadda, and it still would make this awful ringing sound (like a cell phone on vibrate sitting on top of the instrument).

All in all, I like the oud better, but at least I got to try out this instrument. Besides from the e-bay e-mail problem, communication was good (I e-mailed him at his regular e-mail too).

Christian1095 - 9-24-2008 at 10:10 AM

Sorry to hear about the buzuq... Could it be string buzz from the fretts being too high that's making the sound? Also, it might be worth sending it to a luthier (I think Carpenter lives out in that area of the country) and asking them to tinker with it.

SamirCanada - 9-24-2008 at 10:14 AM

probably a loose brace.
try tapping the face, hear any rattling then?

Cooper - 9-24-2008 at 10:21 AM

No, it was not the frets. The neck looked like it was nice and straight. It might have been the low C string was touching the end of the neck in between the nut and when it hits the tuning pin. A friend of mine told me it could have been that (of course, I had already sent it back....:( ). It definitely had to do with that low C string (the only wound string on the instrument).

Another weird thing was that the box had "custom's tape" all over it and it looked like the strings had been splayed apart so someone could have gotten a better look inside of the body of the instrument. There was no damage done to the instrument, though. I guess having the word "buzuq" on the tag of the box looked suspicious. :))

It was kind of a shame it did not work out because the instrument was as beautiful looking as the pictures he posted on his web site. Anyway, I am very picky, so oh well.

rojaros - 9-25-2008 at 01:29 PM

Hello, somehow the thread went completely off track.
I mean if you want to discuss bouzuk issues, why don't you just open up a thread on that?

I just asked a simple question on how to get to a decent Sukar oud and we are completely elsewhere.
Is it the Zeitgeist to be so distracted?

thanks, folks

Samer - 9-27-2008 at 03:50 PM

Hi Chris,

I have another one in stock, would you like to try it ? I have sold number of these buzuqs and no one ever complained ? maybe its just the one u got had a problem ?


ExtreamTarab - 9-28-2008 at 05:10 PM

Hey rojaros,
check your U2U...