Mike's Oud Forums

Arabic music theory / composition articles

wsb3383 - 4-8-2008 at 01:05 PM

Hi, all.

While waiting for my first Oud to arrive :) I'm learning arabic music theory (maqams, ajnas, modulations...etc) mostly from maqamworld.com. I remember when I first studied western music theory a couple of years ago, I came across books that taught basic elements of musical compositions (melodic composition, harmonic composition, typical chord progressions...etc); Are there such books or articles for arabic music? Has any of you came across any literature that deal with studying arabic music composition?

Best Regards,

MatthewW - 4-20-2008 at 06:54 AM

Ali- in the FAQs posting there are some suggestions:



Oud Proff has just released a very good CD which contains a lot of useful info:
